Basic Wilderness First Aid
This course was originally developed to fulfill the needs of the full time and seasonal employees of the US Forest Service. Taught as an 8 hour course it bridges the gap between urban based First Aid and Wilderness First Aid. By adding a Wilderness Module and Bloodborne Pathogens to a Basic First Aid & CPR/AED course students are much better prepared to deal with real life emergencies in remote as well as urban settings.

Wilderness Module
When calling EMS is not an immediate option, or when help could be hours away, the task of managing the injured patient can challenge you well beyond the principles of Basic First Aid. The life saving skills presented in this course will empower you to make a difference when you or your coworkers are injured. The Wilderness Module covers:
- Patient Assessment
- Wound Management
- Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Patient Packaging and Transport in a Back Country Environment
The hands-on practice of skills reinforces concepts and better prepares students to administer care in a remote setting where help may be hours away. This module is not intended to replace a Basic First Aid course but rather augment it with information and skills relevant to the wilderness. This course is often taught as a 2 hour add-on to a Basic First Aid and CPR/AED course but can also be taught as a 2 to 4 hour standalone course for individuals previously certified in Basic First Aid.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Designed specifically for the workplace and individuals who must be trained in Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) or Universal Precautions (UP). The BBP training course addresses the federal OSHA “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens” standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) which prescribes safeguards to protect workers against the health hazards from exposure to blood and OPIM (other potentially infectious materials). Topics include:
- General OSHA Standard for bloodborne pathogens training
- How to Protect yourself from exposure to bloodborne pathogens
- How to act appropriately when a bloodborne pathogens exposure occurs
- How to clean up after a bloodborne pathogens exposure
- How to properly report any bloodborne pathogens exposures
Basic First Aid with CPR and AED
Designed to help students develop basic first aid knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond this program is an excellent choice for both the community and workplace setting. This course is consistent with the recommendations of the 2020 National First Aid Science Advisory Board and OSHA’s best practices for first aid training programs in the workplace. Topics include:
- Adult First Aid (General Principles, Medical Emergencies and Injury Emergencies)
- Environmental Emergencies
- Adult/Child CPR with a Pocket Face Mask
- Adult/Child AED
- Adult/Child Choking